Sound Therapy Hong Kong - About Us

About Us

We are all borne with the most natural and harmonic frequency. We believed that every human being deserves to have a healthy body and mind at every stage of life.  Our team of sound therapist in Sound Therapy (HK) is committed to utilize natural sound and vibrational frequency to adjust your overall health status. Even in busy pace of life, we help you find calm, clear, harmony, joy and therefore re-activate your most natural self-healing capabilities.  

What is Sound Therapy ?

Sound therapy is nearly 30 years of age and swept the world of non-traditional therapies (alternative healing). A growing number of medical studies have found that the sound and vibration generates numerous physical benefits, including strengthening the immune system.

The universe if made up of frequency and vibration and is a physical a well-established scientific phenomenon.   Sound therapy primarily works based on such principle, the therapy is perform by utilizing sound and natural frequency to adjust and tune your body and therefore produce a state of ease, relax and comfort.

When the vibration and frequency of the human body is in disharmony, it will manifest to become dis-ease at physiological (body) and psychological (emotional) two levels. Treatment begins to use sound to adjust your body from a subtle cell level, possibly locating the root cause of dis-ease one is experiencing, which can be a physical, emotional and combination of both condition.

When your breath is shallow, or experience high blood pressure, or when your physical condition have been changed, you know you're in an unhealthy state of condition.  From the perspective of sound therapy, it is the vibration frequency of your body that is in chaos which impacts on your original and natural well-being.  Sound therapy starts from the physical level, locate your inner stability and harmony which enables you to find your healthy inner strength. 

Sound Therapy helps with:

Body levels: -

- Deep relaxation of muscles and tendons 
- Relieve pain at shoulders, limbs, joints and others 
- Insomnia
- Meridian and cellular detoxification and promote recovery
- Enhance immunity / improve immune system 
- Blood pressure problems 
- Promote blood circulation
- Alleviate women's menstrual cycles discomfort and pain

Psychological level: -

- Reduce stress, tension and anxiety.
- Enhance memory and creativity
- Balance left and right brain
- Mitigate negative emotions such as depression, pain and other problems
- Improve attention disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Help restore calm, relaxed, joy, unity state of conscious

* Sound therapy is a complementary therapy, treatment session can not replace a doctor's prescription.

Our Sound Treatment

  • 75mins Body and Mind Relaxation
  • 90mins Gong & Multi-Bowls Sound Therapy 
**Reservation in advance is necessary*

*Package is valid within 1 year starting from the date of purchase for 75mins Body and Mind Relaxation*

*Package is valid within 6 months starting from the date of purchase for Gong & Multi-Bowls Sound Therapy*

Contact Us 

Address: 10/F, EIB Tower, 4-6 Morrison Hill Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong  (Entrance on Wing Ling Street)
Whatsapp9729 4367


What's the Buzz? Sound Therapy,  The New Work Times, Published: November 24, 2005

Extract:"When the body is sick - it could be a cold, a broken bone, an ulcer, a tumor, or an emotional or mental illness - it's all a matter of the frequencies of the body being out of tune, off balance, out of synch," she said. "Vibration can help bring that back into balance."

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Improves Pain Management and More, By Chris Boyd-Brewer, MA, FAMI Ruth McCaffrey, ARNP, ND, Holistic Nursing Practice, Published: May/June 2004
Extract:"Vibroacoustic therapy is a noninvasive, safe therapy that has demonstrated ability to decrease pain, reduce anxiety, reduce the symptoms of illness, and generally promotes health in many patients..... In areas where pain and symptom management is a challenge, these simple devices have demonstrated the ability to improve patient outcomes and provide the patient with a sense of well-being..... vibroacoustic music therapy engages the mind and may change internal vibratory mechanisms such as blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate, with benefits to patients physical and emotional state."

Singing bowls help cancer patients relax, By Janice Neumann, Published: February 17, 2014
Extract:"Joint pain, a side effect of chemotherapy, has been reduced or eliminated for a few days, Hayes said participants tell her....... It helped me to relax and let go of some of the stuff I couldn't let go of. It just gives you an all-over sense of wellness and that I was okay.... I felt very strong when I got up this morning," said Bakotic, after the recent class."

What is Sound Healing and how does Sound Healing work? By Sarah Stephenson
Extract:"Physical Pain Relief. I had another client who was reliant on pain relief drugs. After a second Sound Healing treatment with me, she was thrilled to report that she had the first complete pain-free day in four years."