由於聲音療法 (Sound Therapy) 推行的是無葯無痛的自然療法,而效果卻十分顯著,所以近十年,歐美各國,包括近年的中國,越來越多醫學及科學報告都在發表聲音療法對人體的奇妙效果的研究結果。

《頌缽對身體經絡影響的探討》發表於<自然醫學健康生活>南京舉行的第四屆世界自然醫學學術大會 2010/10/15
節錄:"因為頌缽造成身體經絡的波動並不是特別針對某一臟腑或經絡,而是對身體產生全面性的影響。因此,雖然頌缽活動已結束,但頌缽造成波動仍持續在身體內流動, 仍持續影響著經絡的平衡,而身體也會經歷好轉反應的過程,某些經絡改善過程中,會造成其他經絡的變化,但最終會再 度達到新的平衡。。。。在個人及頌缽團隊所累積的個案中,發現頌缽在失眠、壓力、躁鬱、兒童過動或自閉症、情緒失調與疼痛控制上,也都有令人相當的回饋與反應。"

What's the Buzz? Sound Therapy,  The New Work Times, Published: November 24, 2005 (中譯:聲音療法? 紐約時報, 刊於 24-11-2005)
節錄:"When the body is sick - it could be a cold, a broken bone, an ulcer, a tumor, or an emotional or mental illness - it's all a matter of the frequencies of the body being out of tune, off balance, out of synch," she said. "Vibration can help bring that back into balance."

Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy Improves Pain Management and More, By Chris Boyd-Brewer, MA, FAMI Ruth McCaffrey, ARNP, ND, Holistic Nursing Practice, Published: May/June 2004 (中譯:聲頻治療改善和管理疼痛及更多,整全護士實務,刊於2004年5/6月)
 節錄:"Vibroacoustic therapy is a noninvasive, safe therapy that has demonstrated ability to decrease pain, reduce anxiety, reduce the symptoms of illness, and generally promotes health in many patients..... In areas where pain and symptom management is a challenge, these simple devices have demonstrated the ability to improve patient outcomes and provide the patient with a sense of well-being..... vibroacoustic music therapy engages the mind and may change internal vibratory mechanisms such as blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate, with benefits to patients physical and emotional state."

Singing bowls help cancer patients relax, By Janice Neumann, Published: February 17, 2014 (中譯:頌缽助癌症患者放鬆,芝加哥論壇報新聞,刊於17-2-2014)
節錄:"Joint pain, a side effect of chemotherapy, has been reduced or eliminated for a few days, Hayes said participants tell her....... It helped me to relax and let go of some of the stuff I couldn't let go of. It just gives you an all-over sense of wellness and that I was okay.... I felt very strong when I got up this morning," said Bakotic, after the recent class."

What is Sound Healing and how does Sound Healing work? By Sarah Stephenson (中譯:聲音治療為何有效?)
節錄:"Physical Pain Relief. I had another client who was reliant on pain relief drugs. After a second Sound Healing treatment with me, she was thrilled to report that she had the first complete pain-free day in four years."

Fundamentals of Sound Healing, from Sound Healing: Cymascope research (中譯:聲音療法的基本原理)
節錄:'Gimzewski's work has revealed that every cell in our bodies has a unique sonic signature and 'sings' to its neighbors....Dr Gimzewski, himself a Nobel Prize winner, is one of a large number of innovative minds at work in our world that share the vision of creating modalities to assist the body to heal. Audible sound therapy may offer the greatest potential in non-invasive healing.... Sound heals life naturally."

 Development of sound healing in modern times (中譯:聲音癒癒的發展)